Saturday, February 2, 2013

2013: Still with FASTCAP. Towards ExaFMM?

Electrostatics. Looking for the parallel fast field solver.

I successfully used the FASTCAP fast field solver long years ago for capacitance calculation and electrostatic charge density and forces derivation. Incorporating this solver into a finite element code, solution of multiphysics coupled problems can be obtained quickly. With staggered scheme of course.

Recently coming back  to the electrostatic problem calculation, I tried to find a new generation of the fast field codes. My feeling that here is still no ready open source code except the premium FASTCAP.

The FASTCAP itself is acceptable from the accuracy standpoint, particularly for my problems in the hand. I have compared the BEM results with FEM reference solutions  and found it quite acceptable. Also for the science community it is a common practice to compare new and more efficient solvers versus FASTCAP. The problem is the speed of runs. The code was born in 90's, in the era of single-core computations. Nowadays impressed by "Biomolecular electrostatics using a fast multipole BEM on up to 512 gpus and a billion unknowns" I think to write a custom electrostatic code with ExaFMM library. Obviously it would take a long time and  perhaps I'll go flop. As a result the simple, open source,  parallel performance, electrostatic solver is still looking for.

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